Medicare season is once again upon us and I have some important things I want you to know.
For current Medicare clients, rest assured that my number-one priority is for you having the best policy for your needs going into 2021.
By now, you should have received the ”Annual Notice of Change” from your insurance carrier. The notice tells you what will change with your current policy next year.
Next year, most plans are changing little but if you want to make an appointment to visit with me to discuss your individual situation, I am available for telephone, online (Zoom) or one-on-one appointments.

If you are happy with your current policy and want to stay on that plan next year, the policy will automatically renew without you contacting either me or the company.
For people who are not my clients, you may still call me and I will be happy to compare plans for you at no charge or obligation.
This year is especially difficult with COVID-19. I want you to know I am following all recommendations health and safety protocols. With that in mind, I have seen an uptick in phone calls and I expect to be busy talking with my valued clients during the upcoming months.
Message me through my website or call 541-782-4094 for more information, I look forward to hearing from you.